The first kick-off meeting on TEMPUS project IV

On April 8-10, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen held the first coordination meeting on TEMPUS project IV “Evaluation of quality of cooperation in education ecosystem as a mechanism for building professional competencies - E3M”.

Project mission:

Supporting the reforms and modernization of the higher education system in Russia.

Project objectives:

1.      Evaluating the quality of cooperation between higher education institutions and companies using a special evaluation matrix.

2.      Implementing the strategy aimed at developing the cooperation between partnering high education institutions.

3.      Extending practical knowledge of higher education specialists concerning new methods and forms of cooperation with the working community/employers and ways to incorporate them into the curricula.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the universities and colleges and non-academic partners involved in the project. The agenda of the coordination meeting included the discussion of the working team composition, the content of the project, interaction between partners, project administration and management, reporting, documentation, project budget, result distribution and quality control.

Nizhnevartovsk State University was represented by D.A. Pogonyshev, Vice-rector for Innovation and International Relations; I.P. Istomina, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology; V.B. Ivanov, Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Natural Sciences; N.A. Nemchinova, Head of International Office, as well as university teachers from the above two faculties.

17 апреля