Dissemination of the UNISON project results

Within the framework of the UNISON project, NVSU project team took part in a series of seminars held by the EU partner HEIs devoted to the study of the advanced EU practices of spin-off companies development. In order to reflect on the studied practices and effectively disseminate the outcomes, NVSU teachers and staff published research papers that review and analyze the mechanisms of the EU knowledge transfer and commercialization of R&D through academic spin-offs. The papers are devoted to the study of the practices employed by the EU project partner HEIs:

  1. Best practices of Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) are dwelt upon in the research paper "Models and Principles of Developing University spin-offs: Portugal's Experience" (Journal "Management in Russia and abroad" � 2/2018. Moscow, 2018), authors: Oksana Kozlova, Professor of the Department of Commerce and Management; Nadezhda Nemchinova, Erasmus+ Expert, OksanaYakovishak, Senior Specialist of International Office. (in print)
  2. Experience of the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) (Berlin, Germany) is presented in the research paper “Analysis of Spin-off Companies Development at University of Applied Sciences (Bielefeld, Germany)" (Proceedings of the   International Research Conference "Standardization and Certification: Experience of the European Union and cooperation perspectives for Russia". Nizhnevartovsk, 2018), author: Maksim Sliva, Associate Professor of the Department for Computer Science and Methods of Teaching Computer Science. (in print)
  3. Best practices of University of Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) are considered in the following research papers: 
  • “Using Methods of Project-based Education in Developing Students' "Green Skills" for Entrepreneurship" (Proceedings of the Annual International Research Conference "Modern Entrepreneurial Education". Moscow, 2018), author: Inna Volkova, Head of the Department of Commerce and Management, Professor. (in print)
  • “Application of Spin-off Models in Creating Innovative Companies” (Bulletin of the Volgograd Institute of Business "Business, Education, Law". Volgograd, 2018), authors: Inna Volkova, Head of the Department of Commerce and Management, Professor; Natalia Samokhina, Senior Specialist of the Department for Research. (in print)

The project “University-enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network”(UNISON), 573555-EPP-1-2016-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, is co-financed by European Commission in the framework of Erasmus + programme. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

10 апреля