International training seminar on entrepreneurial skills development “Business Academy” in cooperation with JAMK University of Applied Science (Jyväskylä, Finland)

Location: Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhnevartovsk State University. 56 Lenina st., conference room 201a.

Dates: 13 – 17 November 2017

Language: English. Consecutive translation will be provided.

Brief description: International training seminar on entrepreneurial skills development “Business Academy” is an intensive week-long seminar that aims to develop entrepreneurial potential in students and will give them an opportunity to acquire practical skills of development and implementation of new projects and develop strategic approach to decision making.

Purpose: to equip students with competencies necessary for development and implementation of entrepreneurial projects and ability to employ necessary resources.

Format: a series of training sessions and workshops moderated by representatives from JAMK University of Applied Science.





Matti Hirsilä

Head, Mr. Matti Hirsilä (MSc, Economics; PhD candidate JYU) currently works at JAMK School of Business in Jyväskylä Finland managing a multicultural Department of Global Competence. There are 20+ specialists in his multinational team. Hirsilä is in charge of three bachelor’s level degree programmes in International Business (IB), Business Information Systems (BIS) and Team-Academy (TA). His IB is the one and only EPAS accredited BBA programme in Finland. BIS is one of the two ICT-programmes focusing on game development and gamification in Finland. TA is a unique programme of entrepreneurship. Hirsilä manages also the education export activities of the school. Hirsilä has a comprehensive record of international activities and academic collaboration focusing on Russia, China, India and Kazakhstan. His research interests are in the field of social return to education. Prior to his 10+ years of academic career he has gained experience in banking & finance, electronic business and media.



Saukkonen Juha

(M. Sc., econ), Senior Lecturer of JAMK University of Applied Sciences, manager of Technology Business –specialization track. Certified Supercoach Entrepreneurial Training ® (SET) Launchpad programme coach. Involved yearly in 50+ E-E (education-enterprise) projects, 2-3 larger R&D projects. A member of Finnish Network Academy in Futures Studies and has published in conferences and journals on topics in Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Co-learning, Project-based learning, Technology Foresight and Futures Research. Guest lecture and speaker at Univ. of La Sapienza (Rome), Univ. of Ljubljana, UIIN, EURASHE etc. Before joining the academia a career in sales and product management in an international manufacturing company. Served customers in 50 + countries with his teams.



International training seminar on entrepreneurial skills development “Business Academy” is held by Nizhnevartovsk State University in cooperation with JAMK University of Applied Science (Jyväskylä, Finland). The event is supported by Rosstudenchestvo (Program for Development  of Student Unions), Erasmus+ Program Jean Monnet  Module “Developing Green Skills for Entrepreneurship and Business Based on the EU Experience” (coordinated by Oksana Kozlova, professor of the Department for Commerce and Management and Inna Volkova, head of the Department for Commerce and Management).


Expected outcomes

1. Introduce participants to the leading Russian and Finnish business practices.

2. Equip participants with knowledge and skills necessary to create successful startups; to promote innovative and entrepreneurial activities.

3. Create conditions that encourage students to establish their own business and develop innovative ideas which in turn will lead to the increase of self-employment and small businesses, creation of new work places and increased rate of employment of graduates.  

Contest of student business ideas "Business breakthrough"

During the seminar students will participate in the contest Business breakthrough" (������ ������). The jury will select best ideas and projects in three nominations:

  • Best business idea
  • Best business project
  • Best initiative for NVSU

Winners will be awarded with prizes and certificates.  

Target audience

Students of 3-4 year of study from all the faculties are invited to participate in the seminar.

How can I participate?

In order to participate in the International training seminar on entrepreneurial skills development “Business Academy”, you need to:

- fill out the application form (pdf) and send it to;

- make a short video (max 30sec) in English or Russian where you introduce yourself, who you are, why you want to take part in the training. You can share an interesting fact about yourself or wish something to other participants. Video requirements – the video can be made with a phone, horizontal mode, use HD is possible, quality must not be lower than 1280*720. Please, upload your video to YouTube or a cloud storage and send the link.

- your photo.

 Deadline28 October 2017

Number of places is limited, so hurry up!

The project “University-enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network”(UNISON), 573555-EPP-1-2016-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, is co-financed by European Commission in the framework of Erasmus + programme. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

26 октября